
2018 in Review

Happy New Year! As you look ahead at a brand new year of faithful climate action, we invite you to take a look back at some of what we accomplished together in 2018.

Resisted Rollbacks and Promoted Progress

2018 saw both backsliding and progress on climate change. Through it all, thousands of you raised your voice to call for faithful, just, and compassionate action that honors God and centers our vulnerable neighbors. You:

Took Our Message on the Road

We continued to bring our message of hopeful, gospel-rooted action to campuses, conferences, and communities across the country:

Campuses: 11 campus visits, including Wheaton College, Gordon College, and Lancaster Bible College.

Conferences: 8 conferences and events, including Urbana 18 and the 2018 Day of Prayer for Climate Action.

Features and Op-Eds

We keep getting the word out about our movement in national publications. Here are some of our favorites from 2018:



Old and New Fellows Cohorts

We said goodbye in 2018 to our 2017-18 Climate Leadership Fellows. From starting student groups on campus to driving change in their churches to erecting solar panels on campus, these young leaders made an enormous impact in their communities for tangible climate action. You can read about their projects in more detail here!

Even as we said goodbye to Nicola, Mykal, Melody, and Christine, we said hello to seven new student leaders as we welcomed our 2018-19 Fellows cohort. You can read more about each of them on our Fellows web page.

All told, you helped train and support 11 emerging climate leaders in 2018 who will lead the church into deeper climate faithfulness for decades to come!


If this look back at 2018 has encouraged you as much as it encourages us, we invite you to consider becoming a financial partner in the work ahead for 2019.

If you are already a financial partner, thank you! If not, why not become one today and join the movement that’s revitalizing the church and renewing God’s creation?

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