
Young Evangelicals Applaud Congressman Curbelo’s Moral Courage on Climate Change

JULY 23 | WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, Republican Congressman Carlos Curbelo (FL-26) has offered the moral leadership on climate change that has been desperately lacking in Congress for far too long. His thoughtfully-structured carbon tax bill would improve public health, protect vulnerable communities, and safeguard our generation’s future—all while exceeding the U.S. reduction commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement.

We are proud to support Rep. Curbelo’s leadership.

While the proposal is not perfect, it is a concrete place to start. Specifically, we look forward to working with Rep. Curbelo, and others to ensure that a final bill does not disproportionately disadvantage low-income Americans, and instead exhibits Y.E.C.A.’s policy principles of equity, justice, boldness, transformation, reasonableness, and achievability.

This bill is being put forward as a distinctly conservative climate solution. Many conservatives in Congress were sent to Washington with the strong support of the evangelical community. We sincerely hope that these lawmakers hear loud and clear that the rising generation of evangelicals overwhelmingly support climate action, and that young evangelicals will be watching closely how they respond to Rep. Curbelo’s proposal.

Congressional lawmakers have abdicated their responsibility to protect Americans from the threat of climate change for far too long. With Rep. Curbelo’s bold action today, we are heartened that the time may finally be approaching when we can all face the reality of climate impacts with clear eyes and sound policy debate. We look forward to working alongside Rep. Curbelo and his co-sponsors to make sure no more time is wasted.

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