Climate Testimonies

Curtis Witek

Curtis Witek (Wheaton College, Class of 2012), Steering Committee member and original signatory to Y.E.C.A.'s Call to Action, shares his climate testimony from the Au Sable Institute.

Curtis testifies, "My entry into climate change was like, a doom and gloom vision about peak oil and kind of being scared into it. It was not until college that I realized [there] is a biblical mandate to be stewards of creation, and to care for it, and to protect it. We had hope in Jesus Christ that he would redeem all things and make things right. So my vision of climate change become less doom and gloom and more hopeful. God has called me in some way to participate in what he is doing in redeeming this world."

Join Curtis, Sign our Call to Action Share Your Climate Testimony

Filming: Paul Wiemerslage
Editing: Katie Norregaard