2016-2017 Fellows

Kaitlyn Nikirk
Houghton College

Kaitlyn_Nikirk.JPGKaitlyn Nikirk is a senior at Houghton College in Western New York, where she is majoring in Biology with a pre-veterinary concentration and minoring in chemistry, business, and equestrian studies. At Houghton, Kaitlyn serves as an intern out of the sustainability office and co-leads Eco-Reps, a group that promotes sustainable actions on campus.

Kaitlyn participated in the People’s Climate March in NYC in September of 2014 and has had the opportunity to lobby congressional as well as senate members in D.C.

For the past four years, Kaitlyn has volunteered as an NYS Wildlife Rehabilitator at the SPCA Serving Erie County, working with a variety of bird, mammal, and reptilian species. Her vocational passions lead her to found the campus group, Houghton Wildlife, an organization that seeks to provide opportunities for students to explore wildlife-related careers. Kaitlyn continues to be active in the creation care movement on her campus through YECA, Houghton Wildlife, and Eco Reps.

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