2018-2019 Fellows

Amelia Bowser
Gordon College

fullsizeoutput_1b69.jpegAmelia Bowser is a senior at Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts. She is majoring in English: Creative Writing and has a minor in Spanish. She has always loved all parts of God's creation, from beautiful mountain-top views to the soft grass in her backyard. Thus, she is passionate about stewarding and protecting this fantastic gift God has given us: our earth. Amelia wants to help people come to see their impact on the world around us, as she has witnessed the devastation that climate change is effecting, especially in the lives of the marginalized. Through action, specifically action on her college campus, Amelia strives not only to take tangible steps towards halting climate change, but also to inspire those around her to do so as well. She wishes to stand for the Gospel and God's call to care for what He has made GOOD and she hopes that other believers will join her. 

Watch her Climate Testimony!

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